Integrating Robots into the Future of Work


INTEGRATE, short for “Integrating Robots into the Future of Work,” is a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program developed to provide a unique academic environment to enrich the training of graduate students in STEM disciplines, including computer science, engineering, psychology, and economics, to address fundamental research challenges in realizing the integration of robots into the future of work at the micro, systems, and macro scales.

The program will achieve these goals through five key components and innovations:

1. A flexible, personalized curriculum that combines core STEM training with coursework from complementary human-centered disciplines in the form of concentrations such as Labor, Policy, Organization, and Interaction.

2. Hands-on, immersive, and mentored research experiences through apprenticeship-based industry-sponsored team research projects on real-world problems, called “Expeditions”.

3. Opportunities for professional development through internships and secondments at a network of partner industrial and academic organizations.

4. The forming of an INTEGRATE Research Community through colloquium, an annual “INTEGRATE Week” event, and significant online presence and activity.

5. Continuous and rigorous assessment of program effectiveness in training, research productivity, and real-world relevance and impact toward program refinement.

Who Can be Involved?

Traineeships must take place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Graduate students (MS or PhD) studying computer science, psychology, mechanical engineering, industrial & systems engineering, or economics, may apply to INTEGRATE.  U.S. citizens and permanent residents may be eligible to receive fellowship funding, but all students admitted to the INTEGRATE program will receive the following benefits:

  1. Funding provided for conference travel
  2. Professional training opportunities
  3. Research infrastructure (such as equipment, facilities)
  4. Graduate Certificate degree opportunity available starting in Fall 2025
  5. Internships, industrial connections, networking opportunities
  6. Dedicated office space at the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery (330 N. Orchard, UW-Madison, Madison, WI 53706)

If you would like to learn more about the program, contact program coordinator, Kristie Schultz (

Trainee Nomination Checklist

  • Be admitted to a graduate program at UW-Madison in computer sciences, mechanical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, psychology or economics.
  • Find a Trainer.
  • The Trainer must complete and  submit the linked Nomination Form during the open nomination period each semester (November and April).
  • The following items are completed by the student and uploaded by the trainer on the nomination form.
    • Curriculum Vitae of nominee, including his/her work/research experience
    • One page statement of motivation completed by the nominee.  Please respond to the following prompts:
      • What are some challenges with regards to automation, robotics, technology?
      • How does your educational background and career objectives make you a good candidate for this program?